Michał Martyniak's profile picture

Michał Martyniak

Software Engineer in Machine Learning |
With MLOps experiences in AWS |
Python developer |
Rust learner

Recent Projects Projects Archive Contact me on LinkedIn

About me

I'm an engineer with a very generic dream: to work on some impressive technology that could be perceived by other people as truly fascinating, e.g.

  • self-driving cars,
  • voice assistants
Even though I'm willing to stay close to Deep Learning domain, leveling up my leadership skills is gradually becoming more and more important to me.

I consider myself as a person with quite wide knowledge, who tries to follow all the breakthroughs of the AI world, day-to-day, just for fun.

Work Experience

Software Engineer in ML / MLOps - deepsense.ai (Aug. 2021 - now)

MLOps tooling consultant in an AWS-oriented Infra team


  • leading the process of datasets versioning tool standarization (RFC),
  • feature store selection process for client's AI department (RFC),
  • occasionally interviewing candidates for SE in ML roles,
  • developing a SageMaker pipeline template and more
In summary: 2 RFCs delivered, 1 approved, 1 rejected.
This project gave me a significant knowledge boost in areas in which I had only scratched the surface before.

  • Python
  • AWS: SageMaker Pipelines, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, IAM, EC2, S3, EMR, Secrets Manager
  • IaaC: Terraform
  • Feature Stores: Hopsworks and Tecton
  • DVC for data versioning
  • Neptune.ai for experiment tracking
  • Github, Jira, Miro

NLP Engineer / SE in ML (Python/Java) - deepsense.ai (Nov. 2020 - Aug. 2021)

Extending NLU component of a Voice Assistant

Building a custom engine for parsing natural language expressions with TDD approach. Besides that I had a chance to do an internal presentation about effective terminal workflows and tools. Stack:

  • Python
  • Java

Software Engineer in ML - deepsense.ai (Jan. 2020 - Sep. 2020)

Applying RL to a self-driving car in CARLA simulator, article co-author, visualization library author

We have transferred the data of real-world car traffic to the simulation. The released scenarios cover maneuvers like overtaking on freeways or exiting roundabouts. This research and the extensive set of experiments is a result of collaboration with a big car manufacturer. In short:

  • Python (Tensorflow, NumPy)
  • CARLA + RoadRunner
  • Neptune.ai for experiment tracking
For more, check out the description of this project

NLP & backend developer (Python) - VoiceLab (July 2019 - now)

Language modeling, voice/chatbots engineering

NLU-based chatbots and voicebots development, multi-label text classification with fastai Attempts to introduce reproducible ML pipelines and experiment tracking methodology Reading ASR-related papers Stack:

  • Python (FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, fastai)
  • Docker
  • DVC and Guild AI for experiment tracking

Architect & Lead backend developer (Python) - TensorHive (May 2018 - now)

Working remotely, contributing to open source project


  • Co-author of a paper published in JMLR (Journal of Machine Learning Research)
  • Designing a modular architecture and REST API
  • Incorporating parallel-ssh library for multi-node communication
  • Implementing GPU monitoring module using custom-written nvidia-smi parser
  • Adding GPU reservation mechanism with resource protection
  • Introducing automated tests, database migration etc.
  • Python 3.5+ (pytest, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, parallel-ssh, flake8)
  • Swagger UI/OpenAPI (interactive documentation of endpoints)
  • Git with GitFlow strategy
More info can be found here

Ruby on Rails Developer (full-stack) - Cirrus (May 2017 - Sep. 2017)

Developing an app for a business client.

It consisted of 4 important parts:

  • Dashboard for administrators - Web app for managing users and their access, additionaly WYSIWYG editors, email sending, ACL logs
  • Web interface for clients - displays responsive, platform-specific content (iOS, Android, PC) prepared by an admin in WYSIWYG editor
  • Linux daemon - my own iptables manager written in Ruby, which controls the life of every rule and talks to the database periodically
  • Database project

I've learned a little bit about:
  • How to containerize Rails applications with Docker (docker-compose), how neat it is in deployment and maintainance
  • Managing my time
  • Customizing gem's source code
  • Ruby Metaprogramming
  • That automating my work really matters
  • What real-world clients might expect from the end product

Internship (Ruby on Rails) - Cirrus (Jul 2016 - Sep. 2016)

Working on web interface for managing e-mails caught in a Spam Trap, analyzing and profiling Perl scripts, digging around PHP code.

I've learned a little bit about:

  • SMTP
  • Bash and Perl scripting
  • My fear from PHP syntax

Apprentice - Cirrus (July 2015 - Sep. 2015)

Working in small team with peers, building a web module for legacy app in Rails 3 and jQuery.

Additionaly we were working with refactoring hardware's firmware written in C. I've learned a lot there, including:

  • Git
  • MVC architecture
  • Rake, Active Record, templating html and more

More about me

My favorite things and activities: yerba mate, coffee brewing with an aerepress or V60, making neapolitan pizza, dance, salted carmel

Music: classy, jazz and soul My journey has started with cello in a music school at the age of 6. After finishing the school I became a trombonist in the orchestra. I'm gradually growing my collection of instruments, currently there's 7 of them. Here's my SoundCloud profile and YouTube channel